Hip-TEP | AQ Solutions

Customized hip joint replacement

Explaining is better than showing

Many medical animations prioritize style over information. They describe the procedures, but don't explain them properly. Though they may fly through really well-designed worlds, they don't get to the heart of the client's intended message. In complex medical animations, it's hard even for experts to quickly pick out the intended message without proper visual support.

The animations of Gebrüder Betz are more content-driven. Storyboarding, 3D-Modelling and Art-Directing are adjusted to convey the core message in every aspect of the project. In our 3D-animations, the camera doesn't constantly fly around, but holds a steady position at certain points to give the audience time to properly comprehend the video's content. In many cases, an additional 2D-graphic layer helps the audience by providing vivid pictorial explanations and information.


By means of this content-driven approach, medical content is explained in an easy to understand manner and, hence, is made easily accessible to a broad audience.

We are sorry, but some of our projects are only available in German. Please find them on the German site.